
Wednesday 19 May 2010

Blogfests, Wednesday Blues, and Salty Crisps

It's finale season on the telly, and it's obviously blogfest season online. I've just decided to host one (please do sign up in the sidebar if you like the sound of it!), but I'm also participating in a few others. Namely the Logline/Hook Line Blogfest, hosted by Bryan, on the 22nd of May; the Beach Scene Blogfest, hosted by Rachel Bateman, on the 5th of June; and the Bad Boy Blogfest, hosted by Tina Lynn, on the 20th of June. If any of these sound good to you, mosey on over and sign up! Woo!

I've done absolutely nothing this week, writing-wise, which is making me very sad. It's always worst on Wednesdays, I find, just because I feel like I've wasted half the week and now have to make the most of the other half. I don't know about the rest of you, but when I don't or can't write for a stretch of time, I start getting very restless and feel that all's not quite right in the world. 

That said, this has been a crazy week so far, so I suppose I should be paying more attention to other things! And by 'other things', I mean general craziness, the last scraps of university, and watching the finales of my favourite shows while eating salt and vinegar chip-sticks. Ah, crisps.

I tweeted this yesterday, but it must be said again. Writing and editing a novel should count as exercise. It's not fair that all this work does little calorie-burning.

If you've managed to get this far in this rambling and somewhat incoherent post, here's your reward (if you can call it that). The opening of ECHOES, my YA urban fantasy that's currently out on submission to agents.

But first, a couple of definitions from the ECHOES dictionary;

Echo (n.) flesh and blood individual, stitched from mysterious materials by a Weaver. Sole purpose is to mimic his/her other in every way, and ultimately replace them if necessary. They are raised in isolation far away from their others. They are not considered human.

Other (n.) real person in the world, often the child of familiars. When others die, echoes replace them, if they're wanted. It's a very controversial idea and many people don't like it one bit.

Familiar (n.) the person or persons who pay for and ask the Weavers to make an echo for somebody they love.

Weaver (n.) two men and a woman who stitch echoes at their Loom in London. While familiars (almost) always have the final word on an echo, the Weavers own and govern every echo.

Hunter (n.) person who has sworn to hunt down and rid the world of echoes.



(Text from the novel removed. Sorry!)



  1. First things first: Oooh I like your story. Great introduction to this world!

    Also: Personally, I go for sour cream and onion crisps.

    My favourite definition of calories: They are the little monsters that come out at night and make your clothes smaller.

  2. very nicely wrought, sangu!

    and tessa, love that definition :)

  3. Well shucks, I really shouldn't have read that!

    I never watch trailers because if it's a bad movie, then all the best visuals are in the trailer, and the actual story rarely lives up to the narrative thread I connected the images with; or if its a good movie, the surprise has been spoiled.

    All that to say... The opening of echoes has me curious as to what happens next.
    I'm more interested, at this point in the story, to read about weavers and echoes than I am about the narrator. But then, so far, she hasn't done anything other than throw a ten year old's temper tantrum.
    That was interesting, thanks for sharing!

    BTW: How old is she for the main part of the story?

  4. Tessa: Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! Also, while I do like a bit of sour cream and onion, I've gotten really addicted to chipsticks lately!

    I applaud that definition of calories too. Sneaky devils.

    laughingwolf: Thank you!

    Alesa: I know what you mean about trailers. I love watching them, but I hate when you watch a trailer for a romantic comedy and it's got ALL the funny bits and there's nothing funny left in the actual movie. Grrr.

    I think it's fair that you'd be more interested in the world than in the narrator right now, because, no, she hasn't actually done much herself. But I'm really happy the ideas/world itself is intriguing!

    I've pretty much broken most of the YA rules in this (*sheepish*), which means that she's fourteen when the book starts (the opening is kind of her reflecting), and the book ends not long after her seventeenth birthday, so a lot of time in between is skipped over here and there.

  5. cool!

    this seems familiar, may have read it 15 times now?!?

    still love it though

  6. Pfah, rules. "We don't need no stinkin'" rules. ; j

    Nah... joking set aside, I understand that, as an aspiring pro, you have to obey the rules of your target market.

    Yah! The concept is intriguing. It reminds me of a native American tale of the man who lost his shadow.

    Gah! I don't know what's up with these monosyllabics.

  7. Pop by my blog, there's an AWARD for you to pick up! ; )
