So, a while ago I talked about a LOST GIRL
blog event/partay, so here's me telling you all about it! After almost three
years of work, THE LOST GIRL is out 28th of August (OMG I KNOW! How can we
be nearly there already?!) and basically, for the six weeks before publication,
the blog will turn into one massive TLG fest. Which I'm calling the TLG
Blogpalooza. Yes, I know. So original, right?
It's going to kick off on Tuesday, the 24th
of July, with the first of twelve palooza posts. I'm going to throw out
TONS of teasers, talk about inspirations, and there will be interviews and guest posts
from my agent, editor and anybody else who feels like it (kind of). I'm also
going to be all over the blogosphere and interweb in the next couple of months,
so I will link to those posts and interviews as they happen.
And there will be a giveaway.
And here's where you guys come in: comments
on the twelve posts in the palooza will win you entries into the giveaway. But
so will a blog post/pub day announcement at the end of the whole thing. I
couldn't begin to tell you how much I'd appreciate the help, or how excited I
would be to see my book flashing up on my favourite blogs! I will post a signup
sheet soon and will email details to those of you who sign up.
Three years. THREE YEARS. And now we're
almost there.
I'm off to hyperventilate now.